Islam und Homosexualitaet:
الحمد لله - ich bin Muslim, und ich bin schwul!

الحمد لله -

I am Muslim, and I am gay!

Islam and homosexuality - the arguments in short form

Dear brother in Islam and dear sister in Islam,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

If you realize that you are homosexual, read this text to the end. If you have sisters, brothers other relatives, friends, who are homosexual, tell them about this web site.

The facts in short:

  • The Qur'ân and the authentic (!) Hadîths, do not know any prohibition nor condemnation of homosexuality

  • The Qur'ân considers all interpersonal partnerships as equitable and equivalent

  • A marriage between two persons of the same sex is not forbidden in the Qur'ân

What are the sources of Islam, how do we know what is part of Islamic teaching?

There is primarily the Qur'an in which Allah revealed Himself to us and His commandments, and beside of it there are the authentic Hadîth الاحاديث الصحيحة., reports about what the prophet Muhammad (p) actually has said or done.

Allah has revealed in clear terms in the Qur'an: (5: 3)

: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا ...

This day I have perfected your religion (Arabic: dîn) for you, and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen Islam as your religion (Arabic: dîn). ... "

In other words, on this day Allah has perfected Islam in the Qur'ân and has chosen it as religion, and He  named it  Islam. He has completed it, i.e. all later additions in the different teaching traditions are not part of the revealed teaching, they are not Islam as Allah revealed it in the Qur'ân, but rather muslimhood.


ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين

"And whoso seeketh as religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers in the Hereafter."

And in the Qur'an Allah declared the Prophet (p) a beautiful example for us (33:21):

قد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة لمن كان يرجو الله واليوم الآخر وذكر الله كثيرا

"Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day and remembereth Allah much."

(21: 107):

وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين

"We did not sent you save as a mercy for the worlds."


ومن يطع الله والرسول فأولئك مع ال ذين أنعم الله عليهم من النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن أولئك رفيقا

"He who obeys Allah and His messenger will be among those whom Allah has granted His favor, namely among the prophets and the truthfuls and the martyrs and the righteous; And these are the best of companions.” "

Islam according to its two sources is a religion that accepts people as Allah has created them.

Islam, the Qur'ân and the authentic (!) Hadîths (الاحاديث الصحيحة), do not know any prohibition and any condemnation of homosexuality - unlike the majority of Muslims - on the contrary.

Here are the main arguments in an easy-to-understand form, that in the sources of Islam, homosexuality is neither forbidden nor condemned as presented in my book "Islam and Homosexuality - in  Qur'an and Hadîth literature". They are meant to help you to free yourself from the erroneous view of a prohibition that the overwhelming majority of Muslims assume.

First, the result of the inquiry:

Islam is, according to its sources (the Qur'ân and the authentic Hadîths, الاحاديث الصحيحة in the strict sense of the wiord) a teaching that neither condemns homosexuals nor forbids or condemns their homosexuality. On the contrary,

Allah created man in the best form (95: 4):

لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم

"We have created man in the best form:"

As universal as these words are, they include all (hetero-, bi-, and homosexual) people, الحمد لله

In sura 49, verse 13, Allah says, whereby He is judging mankind:

إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم إن الله عليم خبير

"Truly the noblest of you before Allah is the most pious among you."

The Qur'ân judges all interpersonal partnerships as equivalent and on an equal footing. A marriage between two persons of the same sex proves possible, for it is not forbidden in the Qur'ân, in contrast to, for example. marriages between persons because of their relationship, الحمد لله.

The reasons:
The verse (95: 4) was quoted above and clearly shows that Allah created all men in the best form. In His wisdom, He gave men different sexual dispositions - neither is a disposition better nor worse, but He created "all in the best form". There is, therefore, no reason to condemn, scold, or glare upon some of them.

Allah has created all mankind, in "the best form" (95: 4), among others. Also all male and female homosexuals. And He creates man again and again in this way (35:43):

فلن تجد لسنت الله تبديلا ولن تجد لسنت الله تحويلا
"In Allah's practice you will never find a change; And in the course of Allah you will never find a change" .

In other words, some of the people had and have a desire directed to the same sex, created and wanted by Allah.

In  Qur'ân (30:21), Allah also puts all inter-human partnerships on one and the same level, describing them as equivalent, desirable relations if one does not arbitrarily ignore simple rules and possibilities of the Arabic language:

ومن آياته أن خلق لكم من أنفسكم أزواجا لتسكنوا إليها وجعل بينكم مودة ورحمة إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يتفكرون

"Among His signs is that He created (male or female) partners (ازواج) for you (men or women) from  yourselves, that you (men or women) might find rest in them ( إِلَيْهَا refers to ازواج), and He has put love and tenderness between you. In this are truly signs for a people who think."

From this it can be deduced that all rules for an نكاح (nikâH = marriage (-contract)) and  زواج (zawâj = marriage, partnership) apply to all. For it makes men at first partners (ازواج, azwâj). Especially since there is nowhere in the Qur'ân a prohibition of marriage between people of the same sex. Consequently, under a نكاح (nikâH) homosexual connections are just as legal as heterosexual ones. الحمد لله.

Any homosexual Muslima and any homosexual Muslim, can and should accept his or her sexual disposition as a gift from Allah, which He endowed to her/him.

There are many so-called Hadîths which forbid or condemn homosexuality. But all of them are weak traditions. They are therefore irrelevant to a Muslim.

In the most famous Hadîths collections, the so-called "six books," we do not find this kind of negative traditions  in al-bukhârî (the most reliable collection), nor in muslim (the next in terms of reliability), nor in an-nasâ'î, also a critical collector.

There is not a single authentic Hadîth (حديث صحيح) that condemns or penalizes homosexuals or homosexuality.

In other words, these 3 scholars did not know any authentic traditions that prohibited homosexual acts, etc.

The verses of Lot and his people in the Qur'ân are often understood as a prohibition of homosexual relations. But no word in the Qur'ân indicates that the passages of Lot and his people are to be understood even in a sexual sense. On the contrary, as will be shown:

There are no reliable sources about Lot and his people, or even any historical evidence besides the mention in the Old Testament of the Bible, where a single word in one of the books of Moses led to a widespread misinterpretation (evidently the source for certain mawâlî (موالي traditions). So we can only keep to the words of the Qur'ân: There are 4 passages (7:80, 81, 26: 165, 166, 27:54, 55, 29:28, 29), that are all introduced with the words " (و لوطا اذ قال لقومه) "-" and (remember) Lot when he spoke to his people ", and there are Lot words  that he is a "rasûl amîn" (رسول امين - 26: 162), a reliable messenger, who will not blame anyone for what he did not do.

Whether Lots words “do you come to the men instead of / and not to the women" may have a sexual meaning can very easily be tested by using simple logic: His reproach is addressed to القوم (al-qaum), all the men and women of his people. When applicable to both groups, they may have a sexual meaning, if not, then we must avoid this meaning. Applied to rhe women: Does anyone really believe that the intended result of his blame "do you come to men instead of / beside the women" is that Lot wanted women to be lesbian?

In connection with all four passages of the text, Allah revealed the words "wa lûTan idh qāla li-qaumi-hi (
و لوطا اذ قال لقومه)" and "remember Lot  when he spoke to his people ", unmistakable and clear.

The idea that it could be a sexual offense is, according to my researches, due to the traditions of some موالي (mawâlî), former Christians and Jews, who lived for many centuries after Lot, but who very quickly formed the majority among the early Muslims. And they did not have any better knowledge about the conditions in his city than we have today. There is no historical evidence. There is only their speculative interpretation of a single word in a Moses book. And such a weak base can never be an argument in the interpretation of the Qur'âns.

In one of the Qur'anic texts, Lot (29:28) also says, "Do you commit an abomination as no one in the world has ever done before you?" We have historical evidence, texts, about people before Lot, whio had homosexual relations with each other (Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, keyword "Egypt, Ancient"). This revelation of Allah also contradicts a sexual interpretation against the background of historical evidence.

I do not want to harm Islam with my book. I am a convinced Muslim, and Islam is much more valuable to me than all the countless muslimhoods historically created by Muslims. Rather, I would like to point to a fatal mistake that the Muslims have fallen into with their history.

So far, I am convinced that the arguments discussed  in my book are stronger than the traditional arguments. I will take this position against everybody and in public until someone shows that I am wrong. And my firm impression is that those who have been informed about the book are aware of the weakness of their own argumentation. For since the publication, there was not a single contradiction, no criticism, no counter-arguments, but mostly deep silence, perhaps in the face of a Basic Law that protects sexual minorities, perhaps for reasons that I do not yet know. And about 60 mosque communities and Muslim groups were informed by e-mail. It seems to be better to duck away instead of thinking once again, as the Qur'ân repeatedly demands with its frequent call for تفكر (reflection).

What can we do?

Sisters and brothers who want to change the existing predicament should consider the extent to which they can be active in their families and their communities in order to return to the only two sources of our religion. Share your ideas and notions with us, ask your imams for their arguments and confront them with the above arguments. It is a difficult and hard task, and only when we act jointly we may achieve something.

If you have any experience with such activities, please let me know, and they may be published with your permission on this website as a suggestion and help for others.If you know someone who is convinced of the traditional arguments, ask him to write to us so that we can examine and correct them. Only by letting all of us participate in this work we can achieve something.

Only the pressure from our side can prompt the traditional representatives to think again about these questions and the value of their arguments.

Discrimination against gay Muslims in the communities, mosques and their social environment must finally cease. We are equal, normal people like the others as well. We are Muslims and servants of Allah as they are, created with a different sexuality, as Allah wished it for us.

Amin K. Waltter

If you would like to inquire in detail about my investigation, he the should read and critically examine  its 3 parts:

ISLAM UND HOMOSEXUALITÄT im Qur’ân und der Hadîth-Literatur

(Zusammenstellung von Materialien zum Thema und Anregungen für eine Neubewertung)“

Teil 1 Der Qur'ân, 238 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-7323-0986-3

Teil 2 Hadîth-Literatur Die Überlieferungen, 344 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-7323-0987-0

Teil 3 Hadîth-Wissenschaft, Überlieferer und Sammlungen, 284 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-7323-1051-7

The price for all: approximately

50 €

There are some more informations in the facebook-group "Islam und Homosexualität" and some short data sets.

Youtube-Video in a PowerPoint-presentation: Link

Islam and Homosexuality only according to Qur'ân and authentic Hadîths

The following argument does not reflect the traditional opinion. But it is based on at least 9 facts:
Islam is not homophobic, but many Muslims continue to be so.
Anyone who looks into the question of whether homosexuality is permissible in Islam will quickly learn that many Muslims see it as forbidden, sometimes in such a way that Islam is synonymous with a homophobic attitude, so that homosexuals are even declared non-Muslims.
But is this true? Does Islam, whose source is the Qur'an and also - in the strict sense of the word - authentic hadiths, prohibit homosexuality? Where is such a prohibition?
FACT 1 (Allah's creation):
Allah in His wisdom and mercy created homosexual beings in the past and He continues to create them. And the Qur'an knows neither a prohibition nor a condemnation of their way of life. So what is "unnatural" about it (as some claim)?
FACT 2 (commandments of the Qur'an):
The Qur'an forbids declaring anything permitted or forbidden out of mere arbitrariness (16:116):
وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَا تَصِفُ أَلْسِنَتُكُمُ الْكَذِبَ هَٰذَا حَلَالٌ وَهَٰذَا حَرَامٌ لِتَفْتَرُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَفْتَرُونَ عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ لَا يُفْلِحُونَ
“And do not say of what your tongues say is a lie: This is lawful (Halâl) and this is forbidden (Harâm),” in order to devise a lie against Allah. Indeed, those who invent a lie against Allah will not be successful.”
FACT 3 (no prohibition in the Qur'an, no "sound" Hadith against  homosexuals):
There is no verse in the Qur'an, nor is there any (literally) authentic Hadîth (Hadîth SaHîH – حديث صحيح) that condemns homosexuals or prohibits their way of life.
Al-bukhârî and Muslim, as well as an-nasâ'î – they are considered particularly reliable Hadîth collectors – do not mention any authentic Hadîth (Hadîth SaHîH) that condemns homosexuals or prohibits homosexuality, N O N E!
FACT 4 (no historical evidence about Lot's people):
The traditional interpretation of the story of Lot and his people in the Qur'an is based only on invented stories without any historical value.
This is because
there is no reliable historical evidence about Lot's people, where they lived and how they lived, or what their sexual preferences were, as is the case in the so-called Sodom myth.
FACT 5 The Sodom myth):
The idea that only the men whom Lot addresses are meant and that they have sexual intentions towards other men goes back to the so-called Sodom myth, fanciful stories for which the only evidence is a single misunderstood Hebrew word in the Old Testament.
The traditional interpretation contradicts the established fact that only a minority of a population is homosexual, not an entire "people".
The idea that the Qur'an accuses Lot's people of homosexuality dates back to pre-Muslim times and was passed on by the mawâli (plural of maulâ), Muslims who were formerly Christians or Jews and soon formed the majority of Muslims, and thus reached Muslims in Qur'an commentaries and invented hadiths.
This is not sufficient as an argument for an interpretation of the Qur'an!!!
FACT 6 (Lot speaks to all men and women):
he fact is that Lot criticizes his people (that is, all the men and women of the town) for going to the men with their concerns and not also to the women (a clear indication of the legal inferiority of women there). And therefore the assumption that "coming to the men" has a sexual or even homosexual meaning is absurd.
This is also supported by the fact that Lot grants the strangers, now his guests, the right of hospitality to which they are entitled (15:67-72) - vital for travelers at that time - and offers his daughters to the people of his people, the men and women, as guarantors of his and his guests' good behavior. And he appeals to the insight of reasonable people (11:78). In addition, he also emphasizes the equality of women and men as guarantors with regard to his daughters.
The response of the people (11:79), when Lot offers his daughters to the people, indicates something different from what is claimed in the traditional interpretation. They say: "You know that we have no right [= mâ la-nâ fî banâti-ka min Haqq] to your daughters, and you also know what we want" - namely, to deprive the guests of their right of hospitality.
FACT 7 (the Arabic word 'shahwa' شهوة):
The expression 'shahwatan' - in the case of a desire - which Lot uses according to the Qur'an in 2 of the 4 verses in which he criticizes his people for coming to men, not to women, is understood by Qur'an translators in a homosexual sense only in these places due to the Sodom myth they accept, and they overlook in connection with the further Lot report that Lot is thereby criticizing the significantly inferior legal status of women among the people.
The word 'shahwa' is ambiguous and occurs in a further 11 places in the Qur'an, including the verb forms, where it is not understood in a sexual or even homosexual sense. In the verse (3:14) it is used in conjunction with different objects and in all cases describes the 'desire', 'wanting to have' of a large number.
Everything that some commentators mention about Lot's people are pre-Muslim fantasy stories that were invented on the basis of a single misunderstood word in the Old Testament.
How can one use all of this as an evidence, as an argument, for an interpretation and even derive a prohibition from it that does not appear in the Qur'an?
FACT 8 (Partnerships in the Qur'an, Arabic language):
Moreover, on the contrary, in the verse (30:21) all sexual relations between people (male and female) are accepted without distinction if one fully takes into account the rules of the Arabic language.
وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً إِنَّ فِي ذَالِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
"And among His signs is that He created for you (men and women) partners (ازواج) from yourselves that you (men and women) may find peace in them, and He placed love and tenderness between you. In this are indeed signs for a people who reflect.
Allah is speaking here to all people, regardless of their gender, since Arabic grammar uses the male form when addressing women and men. The plural used in the verse أَزْوَاجً (azwâj) – partners, husbands, wives is the plural of both زوج (zauj, m. – part of a couple, couple, male partner, female partner ...) and زوجة (zauja, f. – female partner, wife, ..), it is therefore gender-neutral, encompassing both genders.
Nothing in the wording suggests that only heterosexual relationships (between men and women) are meant and that relationships between same-sex partners are excluded.
The prohibition of homosexuality by some Muslims, contrary to the Qur'an, has resulted in countless unhappy forced marriages, self-hatred on the part of those affected, and suicides.
The Qur'an, on the other hand, takes a completely different approach with the acceptance of diverse sexual partnerships.
The position of many Muslims, who unthinkingly rely on traditional views of the past, is in stark contrast to the position of the Qur'an, which commands the observance of the word of Allah (5:104).
And when they are told: 'Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,' they say: 'And what we found our fathers doing is sufficient.' And even if their fathers had no knowledge and were not on the right path!
FACT 9 (scientific evidence):
The facts created by Allah also include scientific research results, e.g.:
"In 1990, the WHO removed homosexuality from the list of diseases - four decades after a psychologist had shown how wrong such a 'diagnosis' is." ('Der Tagesspiegel', May 17, 2023).
As a result, so-called "conversion", "reorientation" and "reparative therapies“ were banned in many places because of their harmfulness.
Just stick to the Qur'an and the indisputable facts!
There are a few books that deal with the above statements in more detail, at: